Wednesday, June 3, 2009
next to: al costat de
In front: davant
Behind: al mig
On: a
In: dintre
Under: sota
Look: mirar
Watch: veure
Speak: parlar
Run: córrer
Walk: caminar
Laugh: riure
Jump: saltar
Chat: xatejar
Sit: seure
Sleep: dormir
Fall: caure
Sing: cantar
Wash: rentar
aunt: tia
Brother: germà
Cousin: cosí
Cousin: cosina
Dad: pare
Grandad: Avi
Grandma: avia
Mum: mare
Uncle: oncle
Head: cap
Hair: cabell
Eyes: ulls
Mouth: boca
Nose: nas
Ear: orella
arm: braç
Hand: mà
Finger: dit
Leg: cama
Foot: peu
Toe: dit del peu
get up: despertar-se
Have a shower: dutxar-se
Have breakfast: esmorzar
Leave home: marxar de casa
Have lunch: dinar
watch TV: mirar la tele
Have dinner: sopar
Do my homework: fer els deures
Go to bed: anar al llit
January: gener
February: febrer
March: març
April: abril
May: maig
June: juny
July: Juliol
August: agost
September: setembre
October: octubre
November: novembre
December: desembre
Monday: dilluns
Tuesday: dimarts
Wednesday: dimecres
Thursday: dijous
Friday. divendres
Saturday: dissabte
Sunday: diumenge
Basketball: bàsquet
Cycling: ciclisme
Football: futbol
Gymnastics: gimnastica
Karate: karate
Skiing: esquí
Weigh-training: peses
Swimming: natació
Tennis: tennis
Volleyball: volei
Cold: fred
Hot: calor
Warm: xafogor
Sunny: sol
Cloudy: nuvol
Windy: vent
Foggy: boira
Raining: pluja
Snowing. neu
Bus stop: parada de l'autobús
Cinema: cinema
Library: llibreria
Police station: policia
Post office: correu
School: escola
Supermarket: supermercat
Train station: estació de tren
Apple: poma
Biscuits: galetes
Bread: pà
Carrots: pastanagues
Cheese: formatge
Chiken: pollastre
Eggs: ous
Lemonade: llimonada
Milk: llet
Rica: arròs
Art: dibuix
Computer studies: informàtica
English: anglès
French: francès
Geography: geografia
History: historia
Maths: mates
Music: música
P.E: educació física
Science: ciencies
1st: first
2nd: second
3rd: third
4th: fourth
5th: fifth
6th: sixth
7th: seventh
8th: eighth
9th: ninth
11th: eleventh
12th: twelfth
Abeja | Bee |
Águila | Eagle |
Alacrán ; Escorpión | Scorpion |
Almeja | Clam |
Antílope | Antelope |
Araña | Spider |
Ardilla | Squirrel |
Atún ; Bonito | Tuna |
Ave del paraiso | Bird of paradise |
Avestruz | Ostrich |
Aves | Birds |
Avispa | Wasp |
Bacalao | Cod |
Ballena | Whale |
Boa | Boa |
Buey | Ox |
Búfalo | Buffalo |
Buitre | Vulture |
Burro | Donkey |
Caballo | Horse |
Cabra | Goat |
Calamar | Squid |
Camello | Camel |
Canario | Canary |
Cangrejo | Crab |
Cangrejo de río | Crayfish |
Canguro | Kangaroo |
Caracol | Snail |
Castor | Beaver |
Cebra | Zebra |
Centollo | Spider crab |
Cerdo | Pig |
Chimpancé | Chimpanzee |
Ciervo | Deer |
Cigarra | Cicada |
Cigüeña | Stork |
Cisne | Swan |
Cocodrilo | Crocodile |
Codorniz | Quail |
Comadreja | Weasel |
Conejo | Rabbit |
Cordero | Lamb |
Crustáceos | Crustaceans |
Cucaracha | Cockroach |
Cuervo | Crow |
Delfín | Dolphin |
El mundo de los animales | Animal’s world |
Elefante | Elephant |
Erizo | Hedgehog |
Erizo de mar | Sea urchin |
Escarabajo | Beetle |
Faisán | Pheasant |
Foca | Seal |
Gacela | Gazelle |
Gallina | Hen |
Gallo | Cock |
Gamba | Prawn |
Garza | Heron |
Gato | Cat |
Gaviota | Seagull |
Golondrina | Swallow |
Gorila | Gorilla |
Gorrión | Sparrow |
Grillo | Cricket |
Guacamayo | Macaw |
Gusanos | Worms |
Halcón | Hawk ; Falcon |
Hiena | Hyena |
Hipopótamo | Hippopotamus |
Hormiga | Ant |
Insectos | Insects |
Jilguero | Goldfinch |
Jirafa | Giraffe |
Lagarto | Lizard |
Langosta | Spiny ; Rock lobster |
Lechuza | Owl |
León | Lion |
Leopardo | Leopard |
Liebre | Hare |
Lince | Lynx |
Lirón | Dormouse |
Llama | Llama |
Lobo | Wolf |
Lombriz de tierra | Earthworm |
Loro | Parrot |
Mamiferos | Mammals |
Mariposa | Butterfly |
Mariquita | Ladybird |
Marmota | Marmot |
Mejillón | Mussel |
Mirlo | Blackbird |
Moluscos | Molluscs |
Mono | Monkey |
Mosca | Fly |
Mosquito | Mosquito |
Murciélago | Bat |
Nutria | Otter |
Oca | Goose |
Oso | Bear |
Ostra | Oyster |
Oveja | Ewe |
Pájaro carpintero | Woodpecker |
Paloma | Dove |
Pantera | Panther |
Pato | Duck |
Pavo | Turkey |
Pavo real | Peacock |
Pelicano | Pelican |
Perdiz | Partridge |
Perico | Parakeet |
Perro | Dog |
Pingüino ; Pájaro bobo | Penguin |
Pollo | Chicken |
Pulpo | Octopus |
Rana | Frog |
Rata | Rat |
Ratón | Mouse |
Reno | Reindeer |
Reptiles | Reptiles |
Rinoceronte | Rhinoceros |
Ruiseñor | Nightingale |
Salmón | Salmon |
Saltamontes | Grasshopper |
Serpiente | Snake |
Tarántula | Tarantula |
Ternera | Calf |
Tigre | Tiger |
Toro | Bull |
Tortuga | Tortoise ; Turtle |
Trucha | Trout |
Vaca | Cow |
Víbora | Viper ; Adder |
Yegua | Mare |
Zoología | Zoology |
Zorro | Fox |
Pera | Pear |
Piña | Pineapple |
Plátano | Banana |
Pomelo | Grapefruit |
Sandia | Watermelon |
Uva | Grape |
Manzana | Apple |
Melocotón | Peach |
Melón | Melon |
Brazo | Arm |
Cabeza | Head |
Cadera | Hip |
Cara | Face |
Cerebro | Brain |
Corazón | Heart |
Costado | Side |
arise awake be beat become begin bend bet bite bleed blow break bring broadcast build burn burst buy catch choose come cost cut deal dig do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel know lay lead learn leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet mistake overtake pay put read ride ring rise run say see seek sell send set sew shake shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit sleep smell speak spell spend split spoil spread stand steal stick sting strike strive swear sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think throw understand upset wake wear weep win withdraw write | arose awoke was, were beat became began bent bet bit bled blew broke brought broadcast built burnt burst bought caught chose came cost cut dealt dug did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew fordad(e) forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knelt knew laid led learnt left lent let lay lit lost made meant met mistook overtook paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slept smelt spoke spelt spent split spoilt spread stood stole stuck stung struck strove swore swept swam swung took taught tore told thought threw understood upset woke wore wept won withdrew wrote | arisen awoken been beaten become begun bent bet bitten bled blown broken brought broadcast built burnt burst bought caught chosen come cost cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept knelt known laid led learnt left lent let lain lit lost made meant met mistaken overtaken paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent set sewn shaken shone shot shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat slept smelt spoken spelt spent split spoilt spread stood stolen stuck stung struck striven sworn swept swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown understood upset woken worn wept won withdrawn written | sorgir despertar(-se) ésser/estar pegar fer-se començar doblegar(-se) apostar mossegar sagnar bufar trencar portar emetre construir cremar(-se) rebentar-(se) comprar agafar escollir venir costar tallar tractar cavar fer dibuixar somiar beure conduir menjar caure('s) alimentar sentir-se barallar(-se) trobar volar prohibir oblidar(-se['n]) perdonar gelar(-se) aconseguir donar anar(-se'n) créixer penjar haver/tenir escoltar amagar(-se) pegar agafar(-se) fer mal guardar agenollar(-se) saber/conéixer posar portar aprendre deixar prestar permetre ajeure's encendre('s) perdre fer significar trobar(-se) equivocar(se) avançar pagar posar llegir muntar sonar alçar-se córrer dir veure buscar vendre('s) enviar posar cosir sacsejar brillar disparar mostrar encongir(-se) tancar(-se) cantar enfonsar(-se) asseure('s) dormir olorar parlar lletrejar passar/gastar dividir(-se) fer malbé estendre('s) estar dempeus robar enganxar(-se) picar pegar escarrassar-se jurar agranar nedar balancejar(-se) agafar ensenyar trencar(-se) contar/dir pensar llançar entendre trasbalsar despertar(-se) dur (posat) plorar guanyar retirar(-se) escriure |